After reading more of Gym Candy, by Carl Deuker, I am starting to notice some interesting things. Mick’s father seems to be very hard on him. He is always telling him what he needs to do, and how he needs to do it. Normally this kind of behavior from an athlete’s parent would make me think that the kid will eventually start to not like the sport, because it is being pushed on them so hard to be the best. However, this seems to make Mick work harder. Everything seems to be all about football. Mick’s mother states early on that she can’t come to watch his games anymore because she doesn’t like the constant fear that he will get hurt. I found this a bit strange. Most moms like to go and watch their kids play.
Also, Mick’s dad has a trophy room. The room is covered with three walls of the father’s football accomplishments. The fourth wall, however, is empty. He is always telling Mick that that wall is for him to fill. At first I thought nothing of this. Later on though, I began to be suspicious of the wall left for Mick. One of Mick’s coaches doesn’t seem like a big fan of his father. This makes me wonder if his father isn’t the guy I thought he was. I look forward to reading more to see if I might be right about Mick’s father.